PARDI Here Body Tardi MPs, Ministers

A minister in the Presidency, three deputy ministers and other five MPs Fines between R10 and R12 500 Each one of the violation of Parliament in the announcements of economic interests.

Presidency Martepen Royakopa, Deputy Justice Minister Andris Neel, Transport Courer Mchulloo Halenwa and Public Works Cilanco.

Ramokopop is one of the first seven leaders of the party.

The joint committee of the reservation committee of the National Assembly, was a joint committee of the National Assembly.

Explanations for tactical explanations from SMotherhood, experiences with the processes of parliamentary processes, the disclosure with the disclosure system to say this Advance tardy mps.

Others claimed Whatsapp Message reminders are missing, “Emails quoted by Technology Errors” Other others ignored repeated reminders from the Efficot Committee.

“The member failed / has been ignored to submit a general and confidential revelation on October 142. The committee found that the member was violated the Code. According to the Committee report of Ramokogopa.

To their offender, bRamokopope and HLGE r is10 000 penalty each, along with a publicage at home.

Minister of Deputy Public Works and Infrastructure SihaleseTold the ethics committee ConfusedID The There is a difference DeadlinSubmit President and Parliament “Sorry that does not show an oversee from his side.However, he did not say with morality, R10 000 fines for the end of October 14Throughout the supervision will not happen again. “

The determination of Justice and Constitutional Development Adivasis regarding the correspondence of the disclosure.

He claimed that he had never received the announcement forms and he has no experience, and he has no knowledge of Parliament Toward.

TheHe too A qualified lawyer that issues ANC to help complex legal issuesNeed to compete with his permission.

He argued The acting registrar should be associated with the acting of the member’s interests Directly, do not touch the office Chief whip ANC.

He was intended to review the committee’s decision to review the decision of the committee’s decision, he could review the committee’s decision.

However, the ethical committee went on to end up with delays and rice r10 000 fines.

National Speer MP Knight Maestrel’s simply told the committee Because of their deadline lost His share Of the party The spokesman was demanding.

Liquor Lost Training that offered the Registrar Office To MPs during indexHe’s it Said to Why did he not live The timing of the Ethix Committee.

“ASimilarly, the important information introduced to the members and the importance of revelation of the revelation was not. He told him to attend training, he would have realized the necessary components and time limitations. “

When he studied lonely, he claims to apply in lotus that he failed to reach his passwords and failed to reach it. Committee declines all his excuses and hit a R10 000 Good.

Give another ANC MP, Matlatehego mofokokeng mofokeng. Two, they said that they were illused because a single mother of parliamentary overteavals were taken.

She said she was a new member of her as many internal and procedures processes. She was sick, it should be subject to treatment, and it is with the stumbling period. One week before the due date, she supervised, and she was not able to complete the revelations. “

First bidders, members and all rights in the R10, and all parts of their actions will be publicly reprimanded in all sight of parliament.

Former Kimberly Mayor Patrick Mob struck a R12 500 in fine.


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