Caroline Parish is a critics of Israel and American Foreign, because of her Liberal MP, the day President George W. The position after insulting Bush

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Missisaga Maeyer Caroline Parish is on fire to submit a photo to the May to the May to the May to the Hamas leader for the Jahyam.
On Wednesday evening, Parish attended a “Multi-Religious Iftar in the Anatolia Islamic Center, According to the statement in her X Account. If the Muslims eat after the fast of Ramadan.
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After the event, the Canadian Defendant X Account 4 of the Canadian Defendant Posted on the edge of the paras al Najim on the edge of the Parry (CD 24 HR). Basis: “# # of Palestinewelbeefree #endisreeliocuation.”
“Enjoyed what you met with your wife and son,” Trusted Al Najim’s photo on x. “He is very sweet little boy.”
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Al Najim is a CD4 Heran’s leader in a Missiskugu incident in a Missiskugu incident in an October.
The center of the center of Michele stock wrote in a statement, which is known to glorify the Parish or Najim.
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The office of the Parisha’s office was a part of a Samarit Muslim community, which is just a mere communicious Muslim community of Al Najim.
Many guests, including the person referred to, have written the post without naming Al Nihem. “Mayor never met with him. Many of the requested photo requested him a photo of him, and she is liable to the community engagement. This intervention formed by a formal meeting is misunderstanding. “
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Asked the Mayor under the photo of the CD4 HR uploaded photo, the spokesperson responded to the community to maintain a short and accessible dialog. Was not a meeting or conversation. “
Stock said the parish vessel expressed the intervention with Al Najim.
“This is not an isolated fall in judgment; The history of the history of this manlagalism in Parliament is reflected in Parliament.
“But all the areas of all the residents of Missizaaga should still be alarmed. If the leaders cannot be accepted against hate, it should be asked for serious questions.
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Sinwar widely seen as an architect of the attack of October 7. At the time of the caution, the Mayor Parish said early, but at the beginning was not scheduled, but not to follow “peaceful caution, all rules and city. “
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However, the CD4 HR leader soon launched a “Video” a “Great Man invite” a “built of the Great.”
CD 4 HR Missessaga approached the city, we guarantee that we can practice our rights and freedom, “the group said in a statement.
The Al Najim did not respond to the request of the post before the publication.
Al Najim has a history of controversial references. Last August and Watchdog Media Group Middle East Research Institute (Memri) Shared a clip He said the Webinar, the young Muslim leaders of the young Muslim leaders of the Jews, “fraud” and “deceiving.
“We need to go to the roots. How many prophes killed? “(Jews) are very deceit and deceit. They know how to convince people. They know how to make a bribe. They know how to do all kinds of fraudulent activities.”
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Al Najim rarely across the controversy surrounded by NovemberOur Mandela“In many occasions. Paris was echo at a city council meeting that month.
“I’d like to point out – I am not the Chief Minister – declared as terrorism until 2008. Your terror and anyone else can be two different things.
At that time, the Sju condemmed the condemnation of the examination of the “depth proportion of” depth.
Hamas is a terrorist leader responsible for terror attacks on October 7 and countless innocent lives.
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