The 60-year-old sister gave his brother with the name of Chris Gayle Hyderabad news

Hyderabad: Criminal complains against six individuals, including his brother, and the criminal complained. The investment project worth Rs 5.7 crore has become a corruption of her and others with a significant financial loss.
The brother and his wife, who offered 4% monthly income for investment, approached the businessman in 2019. They claimed that the Kenya-based coffee powder and manufacturing company was expanded by a new unit in the US. In order to achieve her faith, the popular Indian cricketer Chris Gayle has claimed to be this business.
The complainant said the complainant said that the owner of the company will know the company and the accusers will participate in the company, “Central Crime Station officials said.
He trusted her brother toll invested 2.8 crore women. They encouraged family and friends to invest Rs 2.2 crore. The total deposit of Rs 5.7 crore was conducted by 70 lakh. Initially, the rewards of convince who convinced investors who were legalized in business. However, a time stopped after a time, he claimed that the woman faced his brother. Despite the requests for updates, the accused were avoided by their questions. When the woman faced his brother, she was blocked to her. Victims conducted by Rs 5.7 crore deposits can only get 90 lakh.

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