Etch bars entering the UK for some British double-citizens

A clear technology in the UK’s new Ita Electronic Visa-Waight can effectively reveal the local rectangle to access some British orders.

UK in April Its electronic travel authorization will be developed To include the European Union, this e, Swiss and Norwegian nationals, but when the passengers start to do their applications, some British double-citizens have faced some British double-citizens to the UK.

A technical disorder in the Online Application Process, but some of the most dual national for another country, but the report was blocked by the valid UK passport.

Dual citizens with British or Irish Citizenship – but only if they have existing and valid UK / Irish Passport.

If their UK Passport expires or lose their “Other” Passport, they need to apply for their “other” passport.


But it appears on a twist, and then applies to be the British nationalism when they say that the British Nationality is said to be applied.

If it travels in a European Union without ETA it can’t get it out of a trap to get into the UK. In some cases, the UK citizens include the European Union of children.

How to process dual citizens

In principle, the double citizens should be allowed to travel to double citizens – unlike the US, citizens are not demanding to enter the UK citizens to their UK passport country.

Double Citizens Passports for Border Control is not ‘linked’, so you treat the passport you have presented.

However, it does not allow the website and app to their European Passport to theorea of ​​UK-European twin citizens.

Uploading their documents when the applications are through the questions, add any other nationalities to “Add other nationalities’.

Screenshot from the UK’s ET Application Process

The readers of the double citizen of the double citizen of the double citizens have been reported that they are not allowed to be a British as the British as the British.

Local Reader Richard said: “Dual Danish / Spanish, which denies to reach you from their foreign affairs, because you have other nationalities.” Your application will be rejected. ”


A reader “lay on their ET app and will refresh it in a timely manner, or to apply for their British passport.

You do not declare that you do not recommend a British citizen; Since the British government is known to join computer systems, the wrong announcement becomes a crime.

Despite the running on a European Passport without a one or the border turns on the border or the boarding for their flight, train or beaching water.

By the end of 2024, all of the early January and early January all began to expand to include citizens that have no citizens.


Anyone who travels in a European passport, people with the UK or Irish passport – applications are now open to European citizens, and many have already made their travel preparations.

The journey should be applied to the pre-online online, it will cost $ 10, last for two years – find full details Here.

Why does dual citizens have no UK Passport?

There is no citizenship of a country and the valid passport is the same. Because the double citizens may have a UK / Irish Passport, some are common;

  • The passport is losing the stolen or stealing a passport is that you can use the other when you are waiting or stealed or stealed
  • If the passport has expired – if a UK passport is expired and the double national trip is used for double national journey, they may feel that it is not worth it. A UK Passport from Abroad
  • They never had the passport – this is especially relevant to the UK citizens of the UK citizens that are in abroad and make children there. Their children are entitled to the British Citizenship, but if parents need to apply for their child, they need to be applied to the fee. It is worth it, or does not seem to be able to pay the fee, so it is not especially uncommon, but never had a UK passport

Local UK government asked the UK government to check this problem.

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