Sticking the Training Camp for Club World Cup: This is the same as the triple

The Imzagi’s team begins to prepare in the same system, and it started to form Maurineo triple hero

Before you train in the club in the World Cup, before the CLUB is not on the CLUB World Cup. A place where Neesora fans make beautiful memories, because the group led by Jose Muricho has begun to achieve the triple of the summer. A sign of destiny, more than the elections of the club and the elections of the club and the fact that the reality of the club is relaying reality. A legitimate decision.


The Inter Club World Championships will be started with Sergio Rose Bowl Stadium in the Bowl’s Bowle Stadium. The program includes a change in the north, where the Imzagi team will play the other two meters: first will carry two of the English’s other meetings. At that time, the ranking of the opposition group of Nerassuri will be critical. However, of course, the season begins, and where is the triple of the triple, and it gave hope and good sensations.

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