Rafa Nadal As he describes, he played with his sleeping leg. They infiltrated anesthetics and managed to play without pain. But this medical performance is always accurate because he knows that a poor trace or unforeseen turnover, speed can cause changes in myiotic reflexes, causing a strong ankle lesion. We know sports doctors but in a professional sport like that Case Rafa NadalSometimes there is no choice but to use this therapeutic procedure.
There are no problems as exceptional performance, but this is a high risk of serious injury. Now they will try a new minimally invasive technique to cause a lock sensitive to Ancex.
The intervention in the anesthesia of the local and operating room consists of more, or less than the location of the sensitive nerve with a special needle and through it to form a block of radio nerves. This technique can cause discomfort for one or two weeks, and on many occasions it relieves pain for a longer period of time.
Now if Nadal continues to workout and competing At the same level, the lesion will continue to increase and the calculations, escapoids and wedges calcids will continue to deteriorate. Nadal is the largest athlete that our country has given during its history. His career has a complete essence because he managed to keep on stage despite all the suffered avatars and injuries.
As an amateur and a doctor and taking into account that anyone writes, he is one of his greatest fans, my humble advice, is that he is retiring, enjoying fame and taking care of his beaten ankle because the Spaniards will continue to want to continue him And admire him and always admire him, for the glory and joy that have held for us for many years.