A South African Township Pump Track is the heart of Lokan

The UCI pump track world was not only the world championship racing, but also the boundaries, opportunities and sports strength. The world came to ride and a society welcomed the open hands. For international riders, it was the end of the hard work with a year’s value, a shot in rainbowlows. As the people of the people of the quads, the world lives in their neighborhood, their local track was a phase of providing their local track, passionate and dreams. New documentary The world in my steep Copying all inspiring stories.

Pump Track: A path to big

The pump tracks turned out more than a place to ride it more – they are gateways for the opportunity. Many of South Africa’s townships is not a sport; It is a way of dreaming of the circumstances beyond the scope.

“Without this pump track, the children of this place grown and do bad things,” said a local rider. “Now, they focus on bikes, studying in the study, some of them helps some of them. This is a future.”

Through the initiatives like Pump for peaceVelloparting Pump Track World Championships brings to historically ignored

Racing is more than a medal

Township was intensive to finals from qualifiers to finals. Togins were Razor-thin, one hundredth from success from success from defeat. Ries have pushed their limits and matched the high speed track and found accurate degree of precision and strength.

But beyond the Podium, the incident influenced. It was about showing local children to claim the cycling world.

Pump for peace

This was not another World Championship. It was a meeting of cultures, and the festival of skills and a sight of cycling. As far as the young riders from the fenceline, the next world champion is proof that the next world champion can come from KWAMAMU.


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