Link: Trump Trump Trump on May 9th parade

If the VUA can be apprehended, the Putin will make the 30-day covenant. Because the Russian campaign is enough to introduce the rape as a success to the Russian Federation without completeness of Kursk.

In addition, the Putin needs very much at May 9th Parad. For this image, he will support a fiction. What happens after the parade, Trump is not interested in the fight, so the relationship doesn’t get worse.

FirstlyThe Cremlin version of Pearkers and weapons of Pearkers continuously traveling in the air and the sea.

OthersThe Americans see Ukraine without security fervence for Ukraine, it is profitable for the Russian Federation. It is very bad, ceasefire happens without packaging with a packaging, and it can be quick and strongly strengthened the energy in response, and reores the fighting fighting. This is to close an independent control over the frontline without observer from NATO Arrites.

Finally, I congratulate the meeting with Sergei Lavroid to Moscow to Oeesay Secretary General Feredon Circlev. All the people are all remembered to remember the epic output of OSSE Observers from 2014 to 2022. Additionally, how many candid Russian sparage in these groups have OSC and Russian sparrows, how often they quoted the Russian strike in the Armed Forces.


About the author. Olga len and journalist.

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