Review on March 13, grades, card

Joe Skin, Mustafa Ali and Mike Santahana are fighting Joe Skin, Mustafa Ali and Mike Santana in our TNA Impact results in our TNA impact results in this night.

TNA Impact Card

The replyer announced is as follows:

  • Joe Suppuilding Joe Hendry TNA World Championship
  • Cora Jade and Tessa Blancut Versis Masha Slamovich, Le Ying Lee
  • JDC vs. Cody Dotter
  • Xia Brookside vs. Rosemery
  • Mustafa Ali and Mike Santan one summit

TNA Impact results:

The Episode of TNA Impactetry begins with a recipe for the show last week.

Eddi Edwards (W / V-Alision Leon Slater

  • IDD EDDI Eddes Iddes Iddes Iddes EDDEs Boston achieved Lyon with the Boston knee party.

Winner: Eddi Edwards

With success, the man of the steel cage in sacrifice will have the practice.

Grade: B +

It was a fun opener. But I want to stop wrestling on the path of mankind in this multi-man steel cage. The heel won 95% of the time and it is very overplace and unpredictable. If these competitions are not unpredictable, it will be very good.

Sammy Colahan cannot do Sammu Kolihan to the sacrifice

Sazi Kolhhan went out and highly hypip with a man-night warning tomorrow. Santo gallore informed Kolinore at the calling of hers that he could not touch Mansa before the match. Mance Warner and Steph Lander are trying to irritate him but don’t fall to colianhan.

WES LEE (W / TIRIC) VERS LAparado Child

  • See Lardo has affected the See Lardo Party to win scratch success.

Winner: Wes Lee

After the rebellion, Rascal and Aase Austin are coming to the venue. The tray Miguel is noticed that they were released since they came out to attack him from behind the cowards. Miguel says both sacrifices to tomorrow. Lee has forgotten the TNA says says Austin. Ostin says you want to handle the line.

Zachara says that Lee packs will be shut down this chapter of careers ‘careers’ career.

Grade: B +

Another interesting match. This is very rare, so it seems good to me about episode tonight. Hope we can continue this sensation.

Rosmery vs. Sia Brookside

  • The finish, Rosemary hit Sia Brooks causes an inconvenience.

Winner: Xia Brookside (via unknown)

Grade: c

Something about this competition said, the best. Moving …

When is McLe and Eric Light Cross Paths in TNA?

A video package presented with Steve MacLin and Eric Young. When they are ready to go to their special ways now, it will be teasing and their paths will go back to TNA. It would be fun to see where it goes.

JDC vs. Cody Dotter

  • The finish code of competition was found to hit the thumb and then a falcon arrow

Winner: JDC

Grade: N / A

This match is too short to the grade. I am not sure why another cheapest success to sacrifice is to be honest than to give the system. I feel that their time can be used elsewhere. This show is the quick tanking, which is very frustrating because it started very strong.

Arianna Grace joins the list commented on the next competition.

Cora Jade and Tessa Blancut Versis Masha Slamovich, Le Ying Lee

  • At the end of the competition, Kora Jade Massa hit Slamovich with the knockout Championship, and the team struck the Slamovich.

Winners: Cora Jade, Tessa Blancas

Grade: B

The best match in a whole. Are not specifically but not bad. The perfectly acceptable tag match.

Mustafa Ali and Summit between Mike Santana

A summer is going on between Mustafa Ali and Mike Santana. Hosting Tom Hanefan event. He also says that he does not have a problem in Santana and cannot handle the needs of the company.

Santana does not understand that the stress cannot be handled. Santana gave his history of his history and slowly let him down. Ali says that the pressure is. Ali says the stress is fails and makes itself strong and get stronger. Mustafa says that Santana is not a leader, he is a slave.

Santana says he was full of color. Santana says he and the locker room was for him. Mike says he is not here for TNA, he is himself. Santana says he was a slave, but he accepted the reality before a lot, but he is the slave of the fans and TNA.

Mike Santana says every slave, and he is more likely to hit the bottom. Santa pays the money well in the arms of the tops of the tops. Ali says that there is a lot of tension here, everyone needs to be quiet. Ali is placed on a bottle of alcohol on the table and tells Santana to take a drink.

The offspring will lose and break down to the bottle. Ali says it will go down everyone to break everyone to break his daughter’s heart. Santana attacks, but the numbers overcome. Ali makes a glass of Santana and raises him for him for him.

Joe Strink is directing to Joe Strink tonight …?

Joe Hendry Rangil is looking forward to knowing who challenges him to TNA World Championships. There is some of the people who are in mind to deal with Hendrive tonight, Ryan comes to Nemith. Nemith says that his brother is back in the sacrifice at the sacrifice.

His brother hates his brother his brother his brother, and his brother is his brother to his brother.

TNA World Championship: Joe Handry (C) vs. Ryan Nemith

  • Ryan Nemith to achieve this competitive victory in the match.

Winner: Yet TNA Champion, Joe Handry

Grade: N / A

Well, it was a thing that happened to the show tonight …

Santino Mereella says he has presented a minded person and that Alex was hammered.

TNA World Championship: Joe Handry (C) vs. Alex Hamstone

  • The finish of the competition heard the finish at this and won the decline of a thunderstorm.

Winner: Yet TNA Champion, Joe Handry

Grade: B

After the match, the system invades Joe Handry, it flows through the air to be rewarded by tomorrow.

TNA Impact Review:

This show was definitely a mixed bag. It started strong, but worried because the night is worn. Summit segment was a good business, they sent the fans with two Joy Hendry title defenses, but this show was not whole. The sacrifice will be a great show tomorrow.

Grade: B-

read more: TNA wrestling is presented by large prices on TNA +

What did you think about this week episode of TNA IMback? What was your favorite competition or segment? Inform us by ringing us with the comment section below.

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