Scientific studies show it LoserLike him Osembic, causing different side effects It is beneficial when consumption of the human body, ie the risk of suffering Epilepsy Oh Drug In the object Such as cannabis, opioids and alcohol.
Ossembic is a painful drug Accessor GLP -1Type 1 is called peptide similar to glucocon, which operates in the reward regulatory system and dopamine.
Recently, a study Christian HendershadThe Director of Medical Research of the University of Southern California, Semagludida, showed that the active component Drugs such as osembic and vagoviAlcohol can help reduce hunger.
In this clinical examination, 48 adults in alcohol consumption disorder were divided into two groups: one received a low level of semacleuda, and the other was a pharmacy. Nine weeks later, the people who took the semaglutit.
What other studies have proven the effects of osembic on alcohol consumption?
A study published in the magazine Diabetes, obesity and metabolism In 2022, he pointed out that some patients who were treated with drugs had reported their appetite Consume alcohol It was reduced.
Recently, American epidemic specialist Ziad al-aly In his study of magazine indicated Natural medicine More than these Drugs used for the treatment of diabetesThey may have high performance and drugs to stop appetite.
“Drugs based on the LPG -1 law, which are expressed in brain areas related to impulse control, reward and addiction, illustrates its effectiveness to control appetite Addictive disorders”, Ziyad al-Alali explained in his study.
Some premature studies published in the magazine EndocrinologyProved in animals Neurological variations This caused a decrease in alcohol consumption after use GLP-1 drugs.
What other side effects do weight loss medications?
Due to the function in the human brain, they have proven that they can reduce the risk of neurodegeneration disorders, that is,. Alzierrer disease And old age.
Drugs Ozemepic y weegovy They have positive effects, which will reduce the possibilities of infected diseases or disorders:
In the same way, GLP -1 has proven that the drugs have negative effects on patients GastroenterosisLike nausea, vomiting, constipation and disease Gastrosurcy.
Consumption without the control of these drugs can cause damage to such organs, such as in some serious cases Pancreas Oh Kidneys.
Experts recommend that people take these drugs under the supervision and control of a doctor, with dietary and exercise, reduce side effects.