Postal Services Government may be liberalized in the main review

The government is set To review the monopoly of the post office to exchange sub -1 K items, a law of a logic industry is already overlooked.

The public participation in the planning of the Act of the Department of Digital Technologies, as defined in the postal service law, as defined in the postal service law. These services have a legal right to enter the post office.

The logic behind reserves some services is to protect the income for the post office, which provides a bankruptcy-owned communication with a monopoly, and it will help it to be unpremitated.

One of the proprietary services that are part of the review is the monopoly of the post office in sub-1 kg parcels.

This week to help Communication Department partners, the document is submitted before the Department of Document to help Communication Department partners.

“The goal of this discussion document is to verify the post office of the post office to give reserved services,” the document said.

How to explore the relevance and effectiveness of the universal offer services to ensure the universal postage services and how to define and not define and do not define and don’t define and don’t define and don’t define and don’t stop.

Monopoly extended

Distributing sub -1 K parcels, the post office ended 2025 April 2025. Last year, Former Communication Minister Monsley Guruberel. These parcels are defined as follows:

  • Duration: 456 Mimi
  • Width: 324 mm
  • Thick: 100mm

The maximum of 458 mm, 100 mm thickness is considered as a mass of 1 kg and masses.

All letters, postcards, printed material include other services that are reviewed in other services that provide smaller parcel and packages; The issue of postage stamps and sale; And the provision of the roadship and address boxes of roadside.

Read: Post Office gets an emergency short-bail

Review is when the post office is hanging at the balance. In the Business Rescue – a form of bankruptcy protection – from July 2023, the national treasury, the National Treasury “R150 million.

Kusay Dezai Deko, a parliament portfolio committee, said that the post office is not familiar to ensure that the post office will last for a long time.

South African post office“Since the Sapo (Post Office) is only sufficient to enable Sapo (Post Office) for an additional month, it is not enough to address the challenges facing the challenges,” Decco told a statement at the time.

The Parliament was Parliament that last September, Business Rescue Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice and Juapla Daman.

Finance Minister Hanongwana has been exempted to help the National Treasury Instty of the National Treasury Sealed by the government’s verdict. The small reference is used by the post office on Wednesday budget documents. – © 2025 Newsenetral Media

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