Cavid -19 likely to leak from Vuhan Lab, Reports Reports that Germany’s spies

In 2020, Germany’s foreign secret service was released at 80% -90 -90% Wooden Institute of Virology and reported the two German newspapers on Wednesday.

According to a joint report dead by publications, Sudetar Seiteng said Germany’s spying agency

Papers said there were many violations of security restrictions in the lab.

The spy agency evaluation is based on an unspecified intelligence operation code. The office of Germany’s office was commissioned at the time of Angla Merkal, Angela Mercury, but he was never published.

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Accept the latest medical news and health information that has been handed over all Sunday.

BND refused to respond. When asked about a press conference report, the Chanseller Olaf Showz and refused to respond Wednesday.

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However, the Assessment 2024 was reported to be shared with the US Centrals Intelligence Agency in the autumn.

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Since the Newschrog Health approach is still required to control Covid-111

The CIA spokesperson said that Covid-19 Pandemic is likely to emerge from a lab from nature.

Its evaluation and circumstances – Labi origin, natural origin – the CIA said during synchronization.

The government says that this was to determine the 19th of Corcin ‘origin and alleged to investigate the matter, especially due to the US intelligence agencies.

Beijing said there was a credibility to claim that a laboratory drain was caused by pandemic.

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Vuhhan Institute of India has never been able to achieve the benefits of coronavils.

(Ludwig Burger in Frankfurt, Berlin’s Andreas, Macwan Editing) in Berlin

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