Budget 2025: SRD Grant extended the SRD grant

What should be known about the SRD of Finance Minister Dakongwana and Sassa Grant Extension.

Finance Minister Hanonguana on Wednesday introduced a 2025/2026 budget on Wednesday due to the disagreement of the value of the value (VAT).

In his budget speech, the minister was acquitted to the door of the 377 Social Comfections (SRD).

The introduction of the Conid-11 Lockdown and was extended more than once.

“If you allow me to cut the srd, I will not increase anything. I have faced an increased expenses without the budget,” said Gokongwana Sunday times.

Budget Talk: Financial Minister Srd Grant extends

In the afternoon, the under-fire grant beneficiaries thrown SRD grant beneficiaries. The grant spread in its current form until the end of March 2026.

He allowed R35.2 billion for this purpose.

Sasra grants grant

Gokongwana has confirmed R284.7 billion in 2025/26.

This allows for the following increase in effect from 2025 April:

  • Old age and defects from R130 to R2 315;
  • Child Support Grant monthly from R560 to R560;
  • Foster care grant under R70.

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