According to Ramakrishnan M, Managing Director of the Global Management Advisor, Primus Partners, the research and development of climate flexible seeds has a better impact than subsidies or other benefits in agriculture.

“What the studies have shown are that the cost of R and D has the maximum impact compared to any other subsidy or other activities in agriculture (in climate flexible seeds),” he said in an online contact Avinationline.

Ramakrishnan, who heads the Primus in the Brimus, requires additional training, while the market connectivity should be provided in urban areas, where the weather methods are changing and the demand for expenditure and the desire to spend. This is another part of the cost, he said.

Ramakrishnan M, Managing Director, Primus Partners India.

Ramakrishnan M, Managing Director, Primus Partners India.

Other focus areas

The other part of the focus should be fisheries and aquarium. “There is not enough support for Krishi Vijian Kendraz and extension services.” These have to accept important areas and better procedures to spend more money, “he said.

“Eventually, there should be some sort of carbon line. We must impose it at home. We are thinking in various fields to make every stream and every industry green,” he said.

Technology may help. “Some efforts are being made to increase the possibilities of revenue in these areas by engaging communities in fisheries or environmental tourism activities,” the company’s managing director said.

Ramakrishnan said that when the budget support was raised, some of the amount allocated for chemical fertilizers such as urea could be spent on R and D and internal agriculture.

Hybrid capital

“Everyone recognizes the need for a mixed capital. So all these can come from green bonds, all of this cannot come from government funds, all of which can come from the paradox. All these people are unable to attack, but if you combine all these people and create useful structures, some people in the future are on the basis of money. They will be ready to invest, ”he said.

Primus Partners India’s Managing Director said that the money could be based on the Cabax or transparent investment, which will eventually return to the entire community, which helps define the stability goals of companies and manage their net zero progress, and comply with the relevant regional guidelines.

He said that in methane emissions, there are some sciences by using methane and the best kind of agricultural activities and water in the fields through excellent fodder. Although the findings are not correct, they are in the early stages and formed.

In the Global Climate Change Agreement, which was directed by the parties’ convention (COP), everyone said it had finished it and abandoned it like a dusty agreement made.

There is not enough support

Ramakrishnan said, “We have not received enough support from the developed markets as we expected, so a large amount of money can now be done, how we can raise funds and how we effectively sort it,” Ramakrishnan said.

At the government level, the engagement must continue, so that when it comes to international trade, the rules will not become more taxation and unmanageable. However, in terms of financing, one must find their own ways to organize capital.

In deforestation, even though the interest remains, there are practical challenges, he said.

Apart from its Delhi office, Primus Partners have offices in the south, Dubai and the United States. “We have an international reserve and most company partners have been selling and serving government customers for a long time,” he said.

Work with the Forest Department

The Management Advisory Institute is doing a lot of work on the government’s side on infrastructure, education, electricity, auto, chemicals, food and agriculture. It also helps the private sector climate to help the Government Environmental Organization from the point of view of the public policy

The company works a lot from monitoring with the forest department to evaluation. “This may be a forest department monitoring where it is green. There is deforestation. Where are potential conflicts, and how to monitor it using technology?”

On the Core Agri side, the tribal crops, their market development or exporting and looking for investments such as cold storage or other infrastructure in the background. In the aquarium, it is involved in how to increase exports.

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