Lebanon’s Tol 95 coffin in Israel: Lebanon’s Tol 95 coffin

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“Get up, iitarouch! The dead men were villagers or the terrorist group of terrorism last year. Ikanon continues in Israeli hands and buried it elsewhere.

The Israeli withdrawal of the Israel’s withdrawal of the last month was back in the lives of the actor, the life of the morning soldiers leaving the morning soldiers left the morning soldier. Now, in February, it died.

95 Films are gathering to return to Lebanon to return to the lebanon village. The dead people were villagers or the deceased in the war between Hipbollah and Israel last year. Ikanon continues in Israeli hands and buried it elsewhere.

(Nabiyn Bales / Los Angeles Times)

The last important intervention in 2006, the Israeleel depicting Hisbulla war as a victory during the last important intervention in 2006.

But the militant team has now to fight a consequence as a consequence of a consequence, which Lebaners look like a defeat of some hesbed biases.

Thousands of fighters and followers were killed, and the higher headers of its leadership were destroyed. The broader goods of the hizbullah are all flat; About 100,000 people remain displaced and the Israeli forces still occupied the Leban’s parts.

The opponents of Hizbula’s opponents were considered to defend the Iran’s supported team and considered the most powerful political party of Lebanon.

Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel, the role in Lebanon, is in the future of Lebanon.

Cascuts covered with yellow flags on a flatbed truck

The crowd for the mass graveyard of the southern Lebanna village.

(Hassan Ammar / Associated Press)

Despite its weaker for years, the reality appeared in thousands of power that came to the wife in the thousands of power for the mass rebuilding.

The villagers have recaptured trucks to touch a loved one’s coffin. It was more able to become more capable of doing it. To the side, the women cried, beat their chests or throw rounded rice and rose petals.

“This is a historical moment,” the announcement has been notified. Here is an unusual moment of this square.

“Be proud,” heroes, “”

People stand clean, some carry pictures of people and flags

The pictures of the killing of the Hizbulu-Israeli struggle are holding distressing.

(Nabiyn Bales / Los Angeles Times)

Hizbullah was attacked last year, but its leaders agree to the winner of the people of the region.

The disease of Israel inflicted in Israel’s air from his homes to more than a million people forced out of her houses. Group will be raised that Arsenal of the Long Range Missiles would draw in the cities of the missiles. Thalshese targeted. But it never happened.

The Israeli intelligence will pierce its ranks and the ransoms piercing its ranks, and the senior commanders, 32 years, Hassan Nasrala.

“This was very great vulnerability,” We exposed to these extent, “he said Hesbula’s new secretary general, and the new secretary general of Hesbula. “It is an extraordinary thing.”

People put their hands on yellow drawn cascates with arcs

95 Four flatbed trucks are used to transfer coffin. The villagers who were able to touch the cascates of loved ones were climbed into flatbeds.

(Nabiyn Bales / Los Angeles Times)

It is in the rest communities that the consequences of surprise felt most.

After October 7, 1923, the Israelites became a target for Israel Strikes to the Israeli operations, as soon as a mile hamas, a mile of Hamas.

In September 2024, Israel increased its attack in September 2024 and then attacked southern Lebanous in an attempt to expel the hesbulla. Within 70 days, 51 hesbulla operators meet South, South and 10 civil defense workers and five children.

The 3,800 household units should be destroyed or badly damaged or badly damaged badly damage. Eliminated water facilities, electricity and other basic facilities.

But many were told that they were willing to pay for money.

Some people holding the photos of children are adults

The 95 of the coffin returned to the Iighing village in Lebanon includes children and men.

(Nabiyn Bales / Los Angeles Times)

“We are accepting our land.

Her house was destroyed but she forced resistance to resistance – was more support than hezbulla.

“Look at all the people in the square. That’s your success,” she said, “she had already been playing with plastic attack rifles.

“If we were 2% with resistance, now we are 100%. All of the Israelites were past this spirit.”

A 40-year-old Abdullah Muhammad, who holds the concept of Hizbba, who holds the mask of an attack on the attacks of the attacks of Hinduni attacks. Many Lebanness Hesbuzibulla nationality have been more able than the army and expelled the army forces in 2006 and defended Lebanese until 2023.

“Do you lose a battle? There is no problem. But have we broken? No,” he said. He pointed out that the most distant marginal army was.

“An army, US support and best weapons, to go ahead more than a mile of the village? They also caused more damage to the ceasefire. It proves the continuing resistance.”

But everyone of Hisbula’s orbit was not quick to eliminate their losses.

In the hammen of the 43-year-old Bastar, 43 were destroyed with her family. The hill before him, a water tower crushed and asked a Callala.

The network of trees appeared to be the main comprehensive thoroughly fragile speech. Al-Ahmad said that “just the” exploiting people ‘.

He even did a single structure in Buston, including a buston, including al-Ahmad, which has earned for more than two decades in Berlin. He completed the construction last year, she planned to move with his family before the war began; He added his children in local schools.

“Germany is good for me, here is the sun, air and air. The children were very exciting,” he said. But he had no money to repairs, but the consenting of the promise from Hisbated.

Lebanon in Iika

Many women who are sadly beaten their breasts or mourned their chests. The dead and children were included in addition to the fighters of Hisbated fighters.

(Nabiyn Bales / Los Angeles Times)

He said he would return to Berlin to work, but recruit Hesboral to the southern Lebanon.

“If you could fight against Israel, do it,” he said, “he said,” If you can’t, don’t talk to him.

Others were more stething.

“People talk about success. What success is this destruction? Ali, the 49-year-old, the 49-year-old merchant, was given only his first name to avoid revenge.

Hizbullah should be paid to fix it. If they don’t, we’re going to get them out. “

How does the Husballa Rebuilding Reness The analysts say. After the 2006 war, the rapid rehabilitation attempt was rescued. However, this time, the World Bank was $ 8 billion) and prevents a year’s financial crises in Lebanese and quick solutions.

“It is not the only person to do it.

“People who do not want to pay someone to pay for anyone before the party before the party is before.”

Group Cruws have been sent to evaluate homes in homes, primary repairs, rental, to $ 12,000. But many recipients are trying to work and talk about money for more than a month. Heebula officials say that more than $ 300 million has been distributed to $ 300 million, but there are funds to trust damage to the group.

Previously, HizBullah helped to set up the group in the 1980s, helping the group through Syria, and the cash, the variaeums of money, to the Baierut Airport.

Now Tehran has its own economic problems, Syrian President Bashra Loginistic Pipeline has denied the fall of Assad last year. The Lebanon government has taken a firm document this Lebanon, a firm document to smugging Hisbula. Lebanon’s finance ministry announced $ 1.5 million from someone who reaches Baierut Airport. This is a cash infusion for the group.

The State forces of the Dress Insulting Heezbit to reach other Lebanese parties and international community. For unlocking remodeling funds, the interests of the Cabinet of the cabinet have led to a difficult win.

“Hizbullah’s preference is now reconstructing new political activities,” Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir, Lebanese Shasir.

But the senior editor of Beirut was in anger, and in anger.

“This is a way to be in a way or a way or another, so there is a great deal of disbelief,” he said.

When a woman wearing black and yellow is standing with other people and put on a hand and wear black

Despite the rest of the years, the lives were lost in Lebanon, even though they were weak. “Our land is accepted, and it is worth the blood,” said a woman who lost many family members.

(Nabiyn Bales / Los Angeles Times)

The group should be withdrawn from the position of southern Lebanon and Lebanon army. In the area of ​​the recent weeks, soldiers and the United Nations, Hosbula saw the Milifrastructure of Hosbula in the area.

Although Hizbury is playing now, it has a more comprehensively disarmful disarm, Senior Lecturer, the Senior Lecturer, a senior Lecturer, in Sciences of Paris.

“They are now in the backs, but they know the armed streets,” he said.

Many are a struggle to stay. IThran’s Al Hajasi, Al Hajasi, said that the fight against Israel would not function.

“This is the people of the land, resistance, and they had before Hezbullah,” she said. “I will resist resistance if he left Hizbullah.”

In his chest on his chest with relatives, slaughtered a rhythm of a funeral and flowing her cheek.

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