Hello Great Orb – Singletrak World Magazine

Oh, a large brightestone in the sky! We hope that it will warm your cockles warm on this weekend. I spent all Saturdays all Saturday, which was better prepared for the ride on Sunday. A stage on the bike would be useful. The ride has happened, but photographs can ride and eat your phone without taking photos (check it out the most recent mag (check the digital dittox feature).

However James Vincent gives photographic goods from the sun from his weekend.

A little leaked pipe was discovered (found a little leaked pipe) and the happiness of Sunny weekend is a little irritated). Happily, comes out of outside, extinguishing the coming, out of avoiding you and gets up to good vibes:

Co-operative Bike Design with Thom Dool

Last year Last year’s the thompa was loved. He got a small side project, where it can make a 170 mm (Ish) Travel Endro bike. I’m a new bike and I am going to be a tasty test in ‘co-operative design’. He chipped you all with ideas, or follow, to make your own version (he is going to make available). The first step is to give a name. Go to his Instagram stories to follow progress and meet your suggestions.

CRANCH WAROX – round one and rotorova

There is no spectators here, If you want that kind of thing here. If you want to see yourself action, you can see free replaces of four events.

https://www.youtube.com/watch 9v=sm5nf1pzbxi

https://www.youtube.com/watch ow=2m9xuaoga


https://www.youtube.com/watch iev=zijagu0bs

Faranak Paranak Paranak Parenthor – Riding

If you are a woman from Iran what do you take to be a mountain biker?


Faranak Parkoh, 36, are from Shiros of the southern Iran, where she continues to grow. By a path made for women, they gave a big dream and a strong will. Although a career who won a structural engineer as a structured engine, the Faranak was elected to follow the path that follows the sign of the cycling career. In spite of many obstacles that have ahead, she rode, and riding on the ride – but as for generations of women who follow her tracks.

“When I wanted a matter of time in Iran, I believe in Iran, where I was creating freedom and happiness, so that this hope is to be grinding.” – Fannak Parkbar.

After 21 years after 2023 Asian Games, after the 3023 Asian Games – courage, determination, a strong environment is a strong environment that the cycling is all. For the Falanak, running a bike is never about the sport – not about freedom. Grown in Iran, most of us cannot even imagine most of us. Cycling is not able to do, but it didn’t stop her.

The quiet moments of stolen riding, she found something strong: love for sports will be shaped for the rest of her life. She did not ride – she fought. She fought against the voice of the voices against her limitations and many other women against her. She goes away and shows the stagnatically, it is not about physical patience – refusing to give up to you.

In 2023, the Pharanak was built history and won the bronze medal in the Asian Games. But this was not just a personal success. It was a moment that was rushed through Iranian sport, and they also show that they and have a place in cycling. They can follow the dreams that deals with others are impossible.

This short document in international women’s day is more than a movie – it is a tribute to the women who refuse to prevent it. Those who say that the world is not. Those who inspire riding, aide and rise. Faranan’s story is a rule of sport strength to make life. She did not break himself for him – she opened the doors to the countless young women who follow her tracks. This video is not a reminder to the value of following the obstacles of your path-dreams.

MTB Refliming

The RClib event of the weekend is that the MTB event turns into more than 70 organizations and sustainable. Said FI SpotusUd from Project Fiaus, who helped organize the event:

An incredible mix of incredible mix in each workshop discussions is a feature. Tables (!) The media was rubbed to the shoulder with the organizers (!) Pavement, adaptive riders, landlords, genus and elite racers. I heard “I didn’t have such inspiring and interacting conversations.” I can’t wait to take these conversations next week. I’ve never created friends and contacts

Conversities about drawn, sustainability and collaboration include Friday. DM Ferris (Trash Free Treasions), Manon Carpenter (Inos), Ben Billette (Inos), Ben Billej), and the best better, so we can improve different. ‘

Saturday was an MTB Extravagaanza with 5 organized rides. The first is led by Spots from Project Fiaus, from the project FIRI, and had a workshop from relevant, and focused on balanced questions. Participants’ beautiful blue auto paths of Ashtan court, social class, neurodiwegens, binary, binary, and other side-side

The bristol ‘Showcase’ Showcase ‘is included in other rides. Half riders showed by women – Regular women – Regular women are only riding by Sadymistol Trustos Association. Trash cat rice with Bristol Serdeders has earned 60 people (in 35-rights). The refroming team and representatives are trampled on negotiations on Sundays and the negotiations of the adaptive rider and lanes.

Natural election bike

The event took place in February, but the broadcast was only held only week. Forward Kirsten Van Hon To recover an epic mid-run.


Wine in a can

Sunny days may encourage picnix’s thoughts. Here’s a caution to those who consider such things.

https://www.youtube.com/watch ow=k4hrxw_d9f8

Finally …

A ambient track for those with you fancy headphones in you are going to take place through your brain:


I have arrived in Singletratch I decided to live more than meetings. I like all the bikes but is particularly unusual. I like what bikes is more than bikes. I think they connect people and places; Those cycling creates a relationship between us and our environment; Bikes creates communities; Give independence; Bring joy; Improve fitness. They create an environmentally friendly and friendly atmosphere. I try to write all this in the hope that the joy of the bikes find others.

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