After the birth of the industrial community, the idea and security of the people were characterized by the development of the people. First, legal, region security, basic pillars for stability of any country. Second, in the most primitive sense of security: Self safety and their property is not only by laws, but self-disturbed or institutional intervention.
This security allowed to believe in citizens and investors, accepting everything, accepting a government implemented by the government.
For decades, the word “banana Republic” was synonymous with the lack of the seriousness, political instability and institution. It was not only a label but there was no warning or no reliable legal structure of the risks to place or establish businesses. In contrast, the institutional traditions of the countries with Anglo-Saxon and European inherit rape. They assured the Solid Legal Codes and seriously assured commercial agreements, investments and individual guarantees.
The difference between a reliable nation and virginity was respected and the government’s ability to ensure that the rule of the law has existed.
The government is always a basic element in government activity. Since Roman Times – a long time ago – the leaders were used as a regulatory and the subordination device. Some experts advocate the appropriate integration to maintain control, argues that the appropriate integration of 70 percent is hoping for a 30 percent. Not afraid of the resistance of power. Without hope, people will be disappointed and it can be unstronable.
The external threats produced through the external measures and internal measures are made through internal measures or inner measures, in the internal enemies or crisis.
Today, many traditional definitions live today in times of outdated hours. It is difficult to “democracy” or “institution” or “legal status” or “law-down on the rule of law.
Defining the “Banana Republic” is defined by which the banana Republic is a complex job. Since January 20, “I want to get the United States back to the US and returned to the global change, and a serious understanding of a serious.
Since his victory, President Donald Trump, the best is yet to come to his country – even if it is for his country – the understanding of his country was re-filed. However, its greatest political instrument is a trivial creation of uncertainty that handling the atmosphere of uncertainty.
Not to the US or outside the US to be tomorrow. The unpredictable government is a method, maintain citizens, media and the international community alert, confusion. This kind of lead is based on two basic pillars: First, feel safety, except he and his closest allies. Second, despite his defects and controversy, it is in a clear way, which is better than those before him.
Criticisms to do their management can only be received from political opposition or media, but also traditionally to question their home health. Not limited to legal wars or political opponents, but also their candidacy and their administration is now marked.
His forced to challenge the standards established, becomes the first president of a crime in a crime, and was killed in addition to a text. Despite this, his rhetoric continues to be unwavering, political torture and victims attract the description.
If so, do now increase the control of access to access, and explain information about characters like Kennedy’s murder or jeffrey epin? These revelations are not ordinary attention to the sudden interests of transparency, but a calculated strategy to divert yourself.
In this conception, raises an upset argument: it can be corrupt, and you may have a electoral campaign, but it is nothing compared to a Pedoph and murderer. Be these attitudes, not only do not matter, but also the path of brain and victims of victims. The conclusion that its citizens and the world need to have its citizens and the world, and many failures will be made to the conclusion that it needs to be obtained. But others will be worse.
In the case of security, Trump defends himself by argumenting that the military spent on the United States, this is the best presentation in the country. His speech is a pure power of missiles and military arms and the negotiation and defensive equipment. Its plan is simple: either you discuss with me and face the possibility of being in my side or the risk of destroying. This rhetoric created tensions and out of the United States, and leaves a weather of polarization and geopolitical uncertainty. To return to an empiria and value, we led to be the main strength and democracy of the world a day.
Fear in every fronts grows. After two world wars, Europe learned to rely on the alliance and multinational contracts to ensure its stability. Now, without security providing the American shadow and shelter, you will be faced with no security of the American shadow and shelter, but live alone and depend on yourself.
However, Russia is not afraid. Although not similar in the United States, their government and power dialogue is not similar to the American identity of the Employee of the Employee of the Employee of the Employee of the White House. Also, it is obvious that the Russian President and the American honor each other with the possible similarity and qualifiers.
In a world of replacing the rules with improvements, the largest accident is not only an instant, but a risky change and the possibility of uncontrollable change.
At the same time, the rest of the world monitored and warns the next movement. Uncertainty became a standard, global policy seems to have a great luxury where the global policy has changed. We are waiting for everyday terrorism. However, when the people between peace and war, the revolution can overcome it when the people pressing in peace and war.