Jammu7 minutes ago
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2 days ago, 2 days ago, 2 days, 2 days, the other 2 young men were missing. The two disappeared from Rajbagh region in the district. Both animals went out, and from that time they are missing.
The flesh of the bidies of the district of Bilashit were found near the bids of the district. There was a child of them. Missing from the terrorist attack before three days. Yogesh Singh (35 years), Darshan Singh (40 years old) and Varun Singh (14 year) were identified.
The three candidates have been left to a wedding at 8 pm on March 6. After that he is missing. One of them contacted the family two days ago. He said that when the jungle was lost when returning from the marriage.

Two bodies appear in the picture taken from the drone.
LG ordered an inquiry The area where the three dead bodies have found there is the presence of terrorists. Last month, the bodies of two people were found in the area. On March 7, BJP MLA Sharma Sharma was seeking response from the government to the government.
Union Minister Jitendra Singh said terrorists have been behind the murder. After this, Manoj Sinh is also investigated on Sunday murder case. The X post was condoled to the families of the dead.
Union Home Secretary Govind Mohan Sunday on Sunday. He had a high level meeting in civil security.

Interest against murder in Kathua The strike was held in Sundays in protest of three civilians in the Bilawar, the surrounding areas. BJP leader Gopal Krishna, who led performance, said it was clearly aimed at terrorists clearly.
We want the government-friendly campaigns to intensify the friendly campaigns before hiding terrorists in the forests. He said the militants will not allow extremists to win their plans. Meanwhile, they will prevent election killings affected by communal unity.
Drawns have been installed for search
The military and the police have run intense search activities to find missing. The drone was used to search in upper areas. In 60 hours, three years of bodies were recovered from the hill of the metal.
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The eyewitness of Kashmir attack: Two militants arrived in the shawl, and killing workers who eat in trouble

On October 20, the eyewitness and Kashmir said that 2 militants have come to a sham. He hidden the weapons. People were eating in trouble, and terrorists arrived, and they were fired. In addition to the chaos, extremists were applied to 2 places. Read full news …